Chairless Chair


Continuous standing jobs that require continuous changes of position make it difficult to find a resting posture.

Having to work all day standing, not having the opportunity to sit, exposes workers to a greater risk of suffering from back pain and other pathologies. Diseases of muscle tissue and skeleton are responsible for a significant percentage of the total number of days of disease.

Chairless Chair, allows you to reach a comfortable working position or rest position, without having the need to have a chair at hand.

It is a passive “ergoskeleton” that once worn allows freedom of movement but also to reach a sitting position without effort and without the help of the arms. Chairless Chair, reduces the pressure on the knees and feet by about 65%, also helps to maintain an ergonomic body posture ensuring an active/ dynamic sitting.

To wear this device, it takes a few seconds, after which you can switch effortlessly and in an instant from a standing walking position to a sitting position.

Chairless Chair can be used in many sectors, in industrial production activities but also in craft or professional activities of various kinds.

The Chairless Chair allows quick changes with great flexibility, passing in an instant from sitting to standing to walking. This instrument weighs about 3 kg, can support a maximum load of 120 Kg and is designed to be adaptable to any height between 1.50 m and 2.00 m.

(Watch the video)

Wearing the Chairless chair is easy: just adjust it to your height and shoe size and in less than a minute you are ready for work.

For more information, visit the website.