Portable 3D Laser Scanner
The 3D laser scanner is an instrument capable of measuring the position of hundreds of thousands of points at very high speed, returning a so-called cloud of points to obtain a three – dimensional model of the objects.
Go! SCAN 3D is an example of this technology in a compact, manual, fast and simple to use version.
It is an effective tool in the product development phase by allowing you to quickly measure any complex surface.
(Watch the video )
Go! SCAN 3D, integrates perfectly with 3D modelling software and inserted in the management of the life cycle of the products, allows to improve the development of the same, favouring innovation and reducing the time of access to the market.
Most objects can be scanned in minutes and quickly processed by 3D software, whether for reverse engineering, computer-aided design or 3D printing.

Designed to scan any object without having to perform any preliminary configuration, it offers rapid (up to 1,500,000 measurements / s) acquisition of geometry, with precise and high definition details and colors.

The high resolution (0.100mm) and level of detail of the Go! 3D SCAN, offer great scanning quality.
Its compact size (1.25 kg weight) allows it to be portable and used in the most difficult situations in terms of space and accessibility. Both the object and the scanner can be moved freely during scanning.

Go! SCAN 3D is intuitive, anyone can start scanning both small parts and large objects, just in a few minutes and with no previous experience.

It’s designed to work without any preparation – simply point and shoot! During the scan an instant preview is provided, which shows the progress status and what remains to be captured in real time.

The 3D Go! SCAN is supplied with the VXelements software platform, which enhances the 3D scanning and measurement suite.
The software combines all the essential tools needed from data acquisition to CAD software, in an intuitive, simple and elegant working environment.

For more information, visit the website.