Radiant Skirting Board

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The radiant skirting board is an intelligent system for heating the house, not bulky and almost invisible to the eye, easy to apply and effective from an energy point of view.

It is an element with a height of 137 mm and a thickness of 29 mm, available in various colours and finishes allowing integration with the surrounding furniture.

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 The Thermodul  by Hekos radiant heating system  is based on the principle of radiation and allows a natural and effective diffusion of heat in the rooms, transmitting a high feeling of well-being.

The heating system inserted in the base is able to heat the wall uniformly and homogeneously from the bottom upwards, without moving dust or mites. 

The innovative system of skirting board radiators  also respects the environment because it requires a lower quantity of water than traditional radiators and allows to reach the comfort point at a lower temperature (2-3 ° C), also allowing savings in consumption of gas.

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The particular mask, in direct contact with the heating core, allows the heat to spread evenly and effectively on the wall without heating the surrounding air and triggering convective motions or movements of micro-dust. 

The small convective part, coming out from the upper slot of the skirting board, touches the walls keeping them dry.

This radiant heating system, thanks to its intrinsic operating characteristics, allows energy savings and for this reason, it is considered a healthy system, also suitable for green building.

This system also allows you to better manage living spaces: eliminating radiators, heaters and fan coils, it will allow you to have 15% more space!

Furthermore, Thermodul stands out for its  simplicity and speed of installation  and the absence of special masonry works. Unlike underfloor systems, which instead require very invasive and lengthy interventions, the heating skirting board system is installed at the base of the walls, requires a few days of intervention and integrates perfectly with any existing boiler or heat generator.

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A bivalent version is also available, water and  electric skirting board, a solution that ensures heating in all conditions. In a single system there are both the water and electric models (operating one at a time), in order to bypass any times established by centralized systems or to compensate for any malfunctions of the boiler. Particularly interesting solution even in the presence of a photovoltaic system.

For more information, visit the website.

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