Photovoltaic Tile


Floor® is a walkable photovoltaic tile that offers the possibility of exploiting the soil for the installation of a photovoltaic system.

This new product, patented by Invent, allows to extend the areas dedicated to the production of green energy taking into account places that until now have always been excluded.

The system Floor® has made it possible to transform normally inert flooring into active systems that capture the rays of the sun and create clean energy.

A photovoltaic system on the ground, has the advantage of greater accessibility, reducing the time and costs of installation, cleaning and maintenance.

These panels incorporate a LED lighting system inserted in the installation profiles that allow you to appreciate the aesthetic value of the system even at night, while giving maximum functionality to the photovoltaic surfaces.

The LEDs inserted in the panels illuminate the paths guiding users along paths, walkways and entrances.

The photovoltaic flooring system, Floor, is in practice a floating floor. The various panels are installed in a raised position with respect to the ground through the use of adjustable supports that hold them at a height from the ground between 3,5 and 5 cm.

The space below can be used for the passage of electrical cables and also facilitate future inspection and maintenance without the difficulties of operating on a roof.

The photovoltaic tiles of Floor® have the glass surface of the size of 70 x 103 cm, which allow you to install and compose flooring at will.

The Floor flooring is completely walkable: the glass that composes the tiles is tempered and worked so as to be made non-slip also can withstand a weight of 200 kg/m2.

 Each photovoltaic tile consists of 24 cells for a power of 100/120 W depending on the color with glass thickness of 10mm, without aluminum frames.

The tiles Floor® are available in six finishes, which you can choose according to the surrounding environment and your tastes.

Technical Specifications

DenominationQ.olor Full (Brown) Q.olor Dynamic Black
Power ClassWp100120
Annual Production*kWh100120
Cell Type poilcristallinemonocristalline
Technical Data
Nominal Voltage Vmp12,1914,45
Nominal CurrentA8,28,3
No-load VoltageVoc15,1517,99
Short-circuit CurrentA(Isc)8,88,9
Maximum System VoltageV1.0001.000
Temperature coefficient of short-circuit current (a)Pm4,60 mA/°C4,60 mA/°C
Temperature coefficient of the no-load voltage (ß)Vo-0,132 V/°C -0,132 V/°C
Coefficient of temperature of power (γ)Voc-1,021 W/°C -1,021 W/°C
Tolerance on power ±5%±5%
NMOT45,10°C 45,10°C

Values obtained under standard conditions: 1.000 W/m2 – 25°C – AM 1,5

* Calculated on the basis of the production of photovoltaic modules in Northern Italy with optimal orientation/ inclination estimating a value equal to 1.200 kWh/kWp

For more information, visit the website.

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